French fashion is something that the whole world is buzzing about every season, whether it’s because of fashion week or because they’re planning a trip and desire to dress like haute couture Parisian women. French designers certainly have an array of secrets that keep people interested in the pieces that they create and have been seen as the front-runners in the fashion industry for a reason. If you’re curious about the French lifestyle and French fashion designers, below are a few key secrets that they use to their advantage to attract all eyes.
Focusing on Staples
One common factor of Paris lifestyle is being able to fill your closet with staple pieces that you can wear repeatedly and pair with different items. This is because most residents don’t have a sufficient amount of space to store all of their clothing items. French fashion designers have the tendency to create staple pieces that will bring a whole outfit together, instead of focusing all of their efforts on a bland white t-shirt.
Great Quality Pieces
It is quite unlikely that you will go into clothing stores and walk out with clothing that is made out of poor materials or that is improperly stitched, unless you visit big chains such as Forever 21. French fashion designers put a lot of effort into their clothing pieces to ensure that consumers don’t have to buy several pieces of the same item over the years. This is also how they can charge more money for their clothes in comparison to large clothing corporations.
Creating Allure
The best way to make people interested in the clothing that you have to offer is to develop allure around your styles, whether it’s with the help of popular celebrities or by establishing a high price that makes everyone desire the items more. This is one of the most important secrets that French fashion designers use to their advantage. The more unattainable their products appear to be, the more likely people are to save up and buy them.
Focusing on French Lifestyle
It’s important to remember that French fashion designers are truly designing for the French people and so their pieces accentuate and compliment the everyday French lifestyle of a fashionable man or woman. By focusing on the Paris lifestyle, they are able to create brands that are sought after by people around the world, as everyone wants a little piece of Paris, France with them.
If you’re interested in studying Fashion in France, here’s an interesting article about French Fashion Schools: